Numerology Master Number 11


Hey there, I thought it’d be good to write about and learn numerology master number eleven. For those of you who embody master number eleven, I hope you leave with more information and insight. Enjoy reading.

Numerology number 11 is the first of the Master numbers. These numbers hold vital energy because they aren’t reduced like the cardinal numbers 1-9. Master numbers are high-vibration numbers, which means they have primary energy. Master number 11 gets its roots from the numbers 1 and 2 and is, therefore, robust, unique, and bold in its stance.

Master number 11s have a dynamic aura, are empathic, and embody high intuition and spiritual gifts of connection with the divine source. They always experience an awkward feeling of never fitting in, and their magnificent energy draws people in and uplifts and inspires them—a gentle and sensitive soul they crave alone time to think freely and tap into their creative nature.

==>Emotional Challenge<==

Number 11s have both the intense, ambitious energy of the masculine number 1 and the softer, giving power of the number 2. It’s a perfect blend of male and female energy.

Master Number 11 has a weak point because it combines number 1 and 2 energy; it can sometimes feel like a battle is going on within it. Number 11s may feel torn between the Lower Self and the Higher Self. They may often feel all over the place emotionally.

Living as a Master Number 11 takes daily practice and patience to find and maintain balance. They’re usually excellent at gently and firmly letting others know when they need time alone; however, when out of balance, they might find that they allow the needs of others to take over that coveted alone time.

Master Number 11 Combination of Number 1 and 2 Imbalances:
  • Bitter.
  • Everyone sucks, and life’s not fair -why bother?
  • Overwhelmed.
  • Immature.
  • Like it’s hard to make decisions.
  • Needy.
  • More sensitive than usual.
  • Addictive.
Number 1 Energy Breakdown
  • Intense, male warrior energy that focuses on self-drive and ambition.

Number 1 energy imbalances.

Having less energy from Number 1 means that Number 11 will expect perfection from others since they demand it from themselves. They may become over-confident and take financial, romantic, or physical risks.

Number 2 Energy Breakdown
  • Soft, feminine energy that focuses on the non-self, putting others first, and is okay with staying in the background.

Number 2 energy imbalances.

Having too much number 2 energy means a number 11 may get burnt out by others’ problems even though they want to help. This inner turmoil causes number 11 to feel anxious, irritable, and overwhelmed. When a number 11 has too much number 2 energy, they’re doing less good in the world – their friends and family won’t understand why they’re irritable when they’re generally patient and peaceful.

Balancing Your Energy

To achieve balance, number 11 must advocate and carve out daily sacred time to make spiritual connections a habit before destructive, aggressive energy can grow. Taking time to recharge, think, and create a daily calming sacred habit can allow the number 11 to become:

  • Open and intuitive
  • Sensitive and patient
  • Inspirational and creative
  • Unstoppable
  • Problem solver and easy decision-maker
  • Detail-oriented — nothing gets past you.

==>Personality Traits<==

Psychic and Spiritual—Number 11s are the most intuitive of all the numbers, and therefore, developing psychic ability comes easily to them, signifying the potential to reach the highest spiritual insights. They’re eclectic and willing to test out several esoteric spiritual systems, especially those that help them connect with their divine purpose.

Intuitive, Inspiring, and Creative – Number 11s know and sense things without knowing how. Inspiration strikes quickly, and it takes little energy for them to develop ideas, while others have to work harder and don’t get the same fabulous results. Number 11s relish harmony and peace, therefore never flaunting their effortless abilities and instead sharing them with a smile.

Charismatic and Imaginative – Number 11s are empaths, sensitive to the vibrations in their surroundings, environment, and especially other people’s energy. With their keen sense of intuition, imagination, and natural charisma, people are drawn to them and stick to them.

Introverted and Dreamer—Number 11s are introverted at heart. They constantly ponder something, and their friends sometimes wish they could understand what’s going on in their heads. While everyone loves and wants to be around a number 11, there are many times when they don’t want the company and crave going somewhere quiet so they can connect with their divine nature, meditate, dream, and manifest to their heart’s content.

==<Life Path<==

Number 11 is here to inspire others to find their spiritual path daily. As natural-born leaders, they can use their passionate, compassionate, and empathic abilities to sense the energy of others, which draws people to them like a magnet. Number 11 helps humanity heal through spiritual consciousness by planting seeds of love and inspiration wherever they go.

Dealing with Anxiety

Number 11s are naturally high-strung individuals who require an outlet (exercise, organizing, cleaning the house, etc.) to burn off excess and intense energy. They’ll begin to feel overwhelmed and cranky, and irritability will take over if they don’t do something to ground themselves daily so they can dissipate the energy.

Avoid drama

Number 11s do everything to create, enjoy, and exist in a daily peaceful and productive life. They’ll avoid conflict, drama, and competition because it dilutes and drains them, leaving them feeling down, depressed, and with significant physical and emotional discomfort. Number 11s often find it easier to give in rather than stand their ground – conflict and drama aren’t worth it to them.


Number 11’s purpose is to pursue and fulfill their purpose in life, and many will have an intuitive sense of what work would make them happy. Their sensitivity, creativity, manifestation skills, inventiveness, and natural healing abilities make them effective in counseling, massage, ministry, medicine, artistry, writing, meditators, interpreters, and musicians.

Their purpose is to heal humanity and isn’t limited to working directly with people.

Number 11s have spiritual motivations rather than material ones. Therefore, traditional success interests them little. They often earn enough money from vocations that they only find fulfilling, and therefore, they can be under financial stress more often than not. They loathe the daily work grind, obligation, limitation, and repetition of the same monotonous, mindless things.

While professional success is low on the agenda for a number 11, it can provide a powerful antidote to combat the self-doubt, fear, and feelings of not enough that they face. A stable and worthwhile project can ground them in the real world and further them on their spiritual path.


Number 11s are good communicators, listeners, and peacemakers who always strive for harmony in their relationships. They value companionship and are willing to compromise, making them a great companion with a good sense of humor. Number 11 is the most sensitive and intuitive, and fulfilling their partner’s needs comes naturally. They’re faithful and loyal, and commitment ranks high on their list of priorities; often, their relationships take on a spiritual quality.

Number 11s can be prone to anxiety and depression and may benefit from a stable partner who can empathize with their feelings. They’re loving and kind with a fierce independent streak requiring their own space; a needy partner would deplete them.

When a partner hurts them on purpose or inadvertently, a number 11 may react with profound emotional energy, and their devastation can be enough for revenge.

==>Reaching Your Master Number 11 Potential<==

The key to realizing the rich potential of your Master number 11 powers is ensuring that your dual energies of numbers 1 and 2 are in connection and balance. If you remember this, you can be a full force for good. Meditating, journaling, or anything that recharges your energy is the best way to let your gifts flow to others. It’s not selfish at all—you must manifest your life purpose.

To calculate your personality and life path numbers, click here.

Thanks for reading. I’d love to hear from you in the comments; let me know if you’re a Master Number 11 and your insights.



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